But this pack isn’t your average x-ray mod.

⚠️ The use of this kind of texture pack is often forbidden on multiplayer servers. Xray Ultimate 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 / 1.16.3 is an x-ray pack for the most recent version of Minecraft. The pack works very well without Optifine, but we strongly recommend using it because it provides a useful night vision effect. The Xray Ultimate texture pack has a resolution of 16×16, so it is unlikely to cause a drop in performance. It’s important to note that you’ll have to get used to the X-ray functions a little bit at first, as they tend to clutter up the screen. Thanks to the pack that highlights minerals and blocks of resources, you will be able to know exactly where they are and this will save you a lot of time.

The objective of Xray Ultimate is to assist in mining by highlighting all the minerals and mineral blocks in Minecraft. By its nature, you should not expect exceptional visuals, but rather a great helper when you go out to undermine. The pack will not provide a seamless experience yet, but can. Minecraft Xray Texture Pack 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 / 1.16. Most Minecraft resources pack are designed to enhance the visuals in some way, but Xray Ultimate is unique in that it is designed to make the game easier to play rather than enhance the visuals. Currently, the resource pack is only being developed at a 32x resolution, and is in mid alpha. The Xray Ultimate texture pack has been designed for players who want to make life easier when mining and need a little help finding resources.